Tilden Campus Construction Updates

Expansion: Latest Walkthrough

Moving Forward!这个最新的扩张式安装演示展示了干墙的安装, windows, and exterior facades beginning to take shape.

February 22, 2024年-我们2月的演练显示,扩展集分开开始形成最终产品! 随着对澳门威尼斯人网上赌场的兴奋感不断增强,我们一起设想了一个家庭, ultimately what is most inspiring, 对我们的学生和整个预科学院的文化有潜在的影响吗! 今年,我们庆祝成立65周年,提供以基督为中心的教育, 当我们培养下一代基督徒领袖时,我们满怀信心地展望未来.

Expansion: Update with President Dave Buckles

Moving Forward!最新的更新与总裁戴夫巴克尔斯显示了我们的蒂尔登澳门威尼斯人网上赌场的外部和内部的进展.

2024年1月24日——扩建计划将提前进行! 连接我们的入口和礼拜中心自助餐厅的新入口已经建成,并将很快沿着整个正立面延伸(更多细节即将公布)。. 我们很幸运,所有的检查都通过了,工作人员很快就会开始干墙了. 此外,我们的新教育大楼的正门展示了我们的四大支柱. 它旨在突出信仰的基础教育经验的四大支柱, Academics, Fine Arts, and Athletics.

Scripture Wall Signing & Prayer Day

November 16, 2023 – On October 26, 2023, Foundation Academy families, staff, and students from our family of campuses, Plant St., Tilden, 和湖滨大学一起庆祝“分开扩张”的最新进展, the Caferteria/Worship Center and the new educational building. The day was filled with prayer, conversation, 和巴克尔斯总统一起参观并在墙上签名. 扩展设置分开继续向前发展,以满足澳门威尼斯人网上赌场基督为中心的教育的需求. 我们与你们和教会一同建立生命的根基.

Expansion: Update with President Dave Buckles


2023年6月29日-在我们的蒂尔登校区,扩建项目正在全面展开! 上星期,我们新教学楼的地基完成了. This week our construction crews are moving dirt; the pump truck is preparing to pour the footing for the cafeteria. 随着新学年的临近,预计会有几堵墙到位. 蒂尔登校区的正门正在扩建,以适应交通, our students, and landscaping.

我们感到幸运的是,我们有一个有才华和敬业的承包商和工作人员,因为《澳门威尼斯人网上赌场》将朝着未来发展. As always, 我们感谢我们的家人的奉献和持续的参与,帮助澳门威尼斯人网上赌场建立生活的基础!

Senior Walkway Ribbon Cutting

Senior Walkway 01
Foundation Academy Senior Walkway

2023年5月17日-巴克尔斯校长和教育副校长. Grosshans, with help from the Vice-President of Development, Liefke Meyers, Director of Family Enrichment, Jessica Robb, and Tilden Principal Mrs. 莎拉·雷诺兹,澳门威尼斯人网上赌场高级步道正式启用. 在工厂街举行的年度班级午餐前,高年级学生和他们的家长参加了剪彩仪式. Campus.

老年人步道位于澳门威尼斯人网上赌场中心的东侧. It has ten benches, 从2023年毕业班的纪念砖开始,到最后一个长凳旁的历史捐赠砖结束. 中间的长椅将庆祝接下来的八个毕业班. 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场的扩建将为我们的学生在蒂尔登享受户外活动提供另一个地方, promote fellowship, and enhance our morning break experience overall!

A special thank you to our Seniors, their parents, 以及整个帮助完成老年步道的开发团队!

Groundbreaking for the Cafeteria/Worship Center (Winter 2024) & Presidential Announcement
New Classroom Building (Winter 2025)!

April 27, 2023 – Thursday, April 27, 2023, the Foundation Academy Board of Directors, Campaign committee, Mayors and City officials, Pastor Tim Grosshans and Pastor Marcio Nunciaroni, Cheerleaders, Steel Drums, 100多名学生和家长冒着雨庆祝2美元的诞生,000,这将使我们的自助餐厅/礼拜中心破土动工,该中心将于2024年冬季开业.

In addition, 校长戴夫·巴克尔斯(Dave Buckles)宣布,澳门威尼斯人网上赌场还将扩建蒂尔登校区,新的教室空间预计将于2025年冬季开放!

Foundation Academy, the board, 开发团队希望向“妈妈的祈祷”表达他们的感谢, who laid hands on this project from the beginning, all our parents, grandparents, Church members, 以及英足总的工作人员,他们衷心地祈祷和奉献,使最初的破土动工成为现实! 


Expansion Set Apart : Master Plan

Great News! Approval by City of Winter Garden


冬季之城花园已经批准了建筑许可证,我们已经准备好了,我们正在努力获得所需的资金,达到2美元,000,000 to break ground. 这些效果图令人鼓舞,因为它们展示了用于多种目的的空间,在午餐时团契,然后在周日的学生礼拜堂和教堂敬拜基督.


澳门威尼斯人网上赌场举行剪彩仪式,正式启用位于蒂尔登校区的新创世纪机器人室(Special thank you to Dawn & Doug Eldridge for funding); designed to inspire creativity, 提高STEM技能,让我们的机器人团队为比赛做好准备. In addition, we honored Officer George DeSalvia (A special thank you to Derek and Jessica DeSalvia for funding) by dedicating Classroom 221 to his memory. 这些教室是学校资本运动项目的最新成果, Expansion: Set Apart. 请继续关注该活动下一个项目的最新动态. Foundation Academy is grateful to its Board, donors, staff, church members, and generous families, but mostly to God for providing! Click here to learn more


资本活动第一阶段的正式公开启动需要为蒂尔登校区的自助餐厅/礼拜中心筹集资金,该中心可以为100多人提供服务,000 students, Church members, and the community annually. This will be an amazing building for families to gather, fellowship, eat and feed the “body and soul” in unity. The permit has been pulled, 家庭和教会成员正在加紧努力,共同祈祷和支持这个项目. The full project is $4.5M, and we need $2M in pledges to break ground. If you are interested in partnering on this key project, click here for more information and to give: http://a7x.artbasell.com/campaign/


On February 24, 2022, 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场在蒂尔登校区举行剪彩仪式,正式启用新教学楼.  这座建筑将举办许多学术课程,包括艺术、乐队和科学.  这座教学楼是学校资本运动项目最新发展的一部分, Expansion: Set Apart.  这次扩建将允许更多的学生进入学校,并将为学生提供最新和最先进的设施和设备.  敬请关注该活动下一个项目的最新动态, a cafeteria scheduled to break ground this fall. Foundation Academy is thankful to its Board, generous donors, and steadfast families, 但主要是感谢上帝让这座美丽的新教学楼得以开放. 

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凯利家庭运动附件和兰普金斯家庭力量和调节中心于10月8日正式开放. President Dave Buckles hosted the ribbon-cutting ceremony. 冬季花园第一浸信会首席牧师蒂姆·格罗斯恩斯以祈祷开始仪式. 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场很荣幸地邀请到冬季花园的市长约翰·里斯参加这个特别的活动. 每个家庭的成员都能就开幕式发表一些讲话, highlighted by Graham Lumpkins, the grandson of Chip and Luanne Lumpkins. 兰普金斯和凯利一家为外门剪彩,举办了一个小型社交活动,让朋友和家人一起庆祝这个特殊的日子.

感谢所有参加的人,我们期待着该中心将为所有英足总运动员提供多年的发展! On Foundation!

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Thursday, September 23, Pastor Grosshans joined President Dave Buckles, the Foundation Academy administration, 还有我们的一些家长在扩建的新教室的墙上写圣经. 新的扩建将有专门的教育空间,包括一个新的美术室, science labs, and a band room.

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Through the adversity of some inclement weather, FA is still moving forward!

Leiferman Gymnasium: 莱弗曼体育馆目前正在重新装修并重新命名,以获得全新的外观,并将很快为我们的球队恢复训练和比赛做好准备.

Gym Expansion: 体育馆扩建已经安装了地板,并准备增加澳门威尼斯人网上赌场的狮子品牌元素和新设备. The heart of a lion is beating louder than ever before!

Parking: The parking lot is looking sharp with the addition of striping! Our summer staff and administration began using it this week. 

Classroom Expansion: 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场中心新增的8间专业教室正在形成. 在这里,你可以看到我们的学生将很快走过的一些门道,为生活奠定基础!

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Gym Floor Resurfacing
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Gym Expansion Flooring
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Lines Getting Painted in the New Parking Lot
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施工人员一直在努力工作,这周增加了几个新的更新,我们很高兴分享! 在短短几天内,澳门威尼斯人网上赌场的外观发生了很大的变化.


健身房扩张背后的道路正处于生产的早期阶段. 你可以通过新健身房扩建的窗户或从它连接到新停车场的地方偷看一下这个项目.

俯瞰澳门威尼斯人网上赌场中心后面扩建的教室,墙壁已经开始上升! 见证城墙的建造是令人难以置信的兴奋,因为一堆泥土可以如此迅速地变成一座宏伟而实用的建筑.

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Curbs Being Added in the New Parking Lot
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View of the New Road From Inside the Gym Expansion
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An Overhead View of the Walls for the Classroom Addition


June Construction Update

The new parking lot and road entrance are paved! 还有一些收尾工作要做,但额外的停车场将是我们的家庭在许多澳门威尼斯人网上赌场活动期间的一个伟大的补充.

Our Gym expansion has been completed! 在这一点上,我们只是在等待地板和设备安装. 在不久的将来,请关注剪彩仪式的细节. 

澳门威尼斯人网上赌场中心大楼后面的教室扩建正在顺利进行,有望在2022年春假之前完工, if not sooner! 

As our family grows, 对更大设施的需求不断增长,我们非常幸运能够为我们的学生提供最优秀的学习环境.

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Paved Parking Lot and Mann Rd. Entrance
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Gym Expansion Interior – Awaiting Floors and Equipment
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Classroom Additions Behind the Campus Life Center


February Construction Update
Construction is moving along at a steady pace. The footers have been dug on the gym addition, and with the exception of any major setbacks, the gym addition will be complete before the start of Summer! 我们的澳门威尼斯人网上赌场每天运行16个小时,这对我们的道路建设和停车来说是一个挑战. We hope to have some of the new roads & parking open in May, with the completion of them in June. 

Dave Buckles

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Weight Room Addition Progress


If you have not been by the Tilden campus lately, boy have things changed. They have moved 70,000 cubic yards of dirt to build a new pond, 在地势较低的地方填满了新的停车场,并建造了通往曼恩路的新出口坡道! The preparation for the gym addition, which will house the new weight room, is underway and our goal is to have this completed by May 1st! 我们还将为增加的主楼做准备,所以办公室将在春假期间关闭,同时这项工作完成. 


Dave Buckles

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New Ramp to Mann Rd.